Harnham Infant School Uniform
We take pride in the way we present ourselves at Harnham Infant School. We have endeavoured to ensure our uniform is as affordable as possible. We also have a second hand uniform shop called New 2 You, where there are regular opportunities to purchase good quality items at low prices. Please see school communication for the next sale.
Please see below our uniform list, that we encourage all children to adhere to. Please ensure that all items are named so they can be returned to you if they get lost.
Harnham Infant School - School Uniform Policy:

Harnham Infant School sweatshirt or cardigan (branded)
White polo shirt (branded or non-branded)
Grey skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts
Grey tights
Grey or white socks
Black sturdy, comfortable, closed toe school shoes
In the warmer weather blue checked dresses may be worn.
We ask that you please name all clothing and shoes, so that we can help it come back to you if your child misplaces an item of clothing or shoes
As a safety measure we advise children not to wear jewellery.
If your child has pierced ears, only studs may be worn.
Other equipment
School book bag (branded) - Please note that we do not allow rucksacks in school as our cloakrooms do not have the space for them.

PE Kit
Black shorts (non-branded) if buying from new. (We will be phasing out the navy shorts, so if you have uniform from an older sibling, navy shorts will be fine).
White t-shirt (non-branded)
Navy tracksuit bottoms (non-branded)
Spare socks
Sports hoodie (branded) – optional
Please can these be kept in a named drawstring bag in school at all times.

Forest School
Waterproof coat (non-branded)
Waterproof trousers (non-branded)
Named wellies
Please can these be kept in a named drawstring bag in school at all times.
School uniform is available from:
Kids Klobber
20 Endless Street
Tel: 01722 321200
If you are receipt of the free school meal/pupil premium grant then 1 set of school uniform is paid for you. Please speak to Mrs Pike if you would like to take up this offer so that eligible families can be made known to Kids Klobber.