Learning Outside the Classroom
Outdoor learning encourages problem solving, logical thinking and self-reflection.
At Harnham Infant School our vision is for children to Enjoy, Explore and Learn. As part of this vision, we expand and enhance our curriculum by incorporating outdoor learning and Forest school sessions; these are part of our weekly routine. It is our aim that Learning Outside the Classroom will uphold the high standards and expectations that our school sets for its learners and serve as a foundation to increasing their life skills and experiences throughout their time with us.
Through the implementation of our robust outdoor learning curriculum, children at Harnham Infants will become more rounded and prepared learners. They will not only be more confident and resilient learners, they will become more caring and supportive peers due to the heavy focus the curriculum places on understanding and generating empathy. This will allow children to regulate their physical, social, mental and emotional health meaning the children will perform better in collaborative learning and tasks.
Visits and visitors are planned into our curriculum to give children a wider life experience and to prepare them for their next educational journey. We endeavour to teach children about careers and possible life choices through assemblies, STEM days and trips. Our visitors and trips are planned in a progressive manner, for example in EYFS children will watch a puppet show, Year 1 will visit the local Pantomime and Year 2 will visit a theatre to watch a production linked to their topic.
As children grow in confidence in their abilities in the outdoor environment, they will begin to understand, assess and manage their own risk and safety. This will allow the children to become more independent and show that life comes with not only risk but also rewards. It also teaches them what their own limits are and that they can push through them. They will see that sometimes we don’t always get the desired result the first time but that it doesn’t make us a failure, it helps us to grow.

Learning Outside the Classroom: Intent, Implementation, Impact
Supporting your child at home with Learning Outside the Classroom:
Visit different types of locations such as forests, beaches, parks etc. See Visit Wiltshire for some other inspirational places to visit - https://www.visitwiltshire.co.uk/things-to-do/attractions
Learning can happen anywhere so count the number of leaves on a branch, write in the sand, create a sculpture out of stones, and so much more when you are out and about! Early Education have some wonderful activities to do outside - https://early-education.org.uk/going-out-to-play-and-learn/
The National Trust ‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’ - https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/50-things
Parents/Families please don’t forget to look at your child’s Seesaw account for more information about what they have been learning this week.