Growth Mindset
Bob and Lola
This is Bob and Lola, our fictional characters.
At Harnham Infant School we learn how Bob and Lola change from having a fixed mindset… always saying ‘I won’t and I can’t’ to a Growth Mindset, always saying ‘I will and I can’.
By changing their mindset Bob and Lola can learn and remember more. They have lots more opportunities.
By having a Growth Mindset they have now learnt how to swim, where as before they wouldn’t even get in the pool!
The Power of Yet!
In our weekly Growth Mindset Assembly we have learnt about the power of the word ‘Yet’. At the start of an academic year, we are faced with lots of changes and things that we don’t know. It is okay not to know everything, we just don’t know it yet. With the support of our teachers and TAs we can learn more and remember more.
The power of having a Growth Mindset
We have learnt about the power of having a Growth Mindset and how this can help us overcome hurdles in our life and learning.
We saw the challenges that Tisha faces when she goes shopping but she does not think ‘I won’t and I can’t’. Tisha uses her Growth Mindset and says ‘I will and I can’.
We were also inspired by Jennifer, who has used her Growth Mindset to become a tumbling champion!
Never Say You Can't: Jennifer Bricker Story (
We are going to follow Jennifer’s advice ‘‘If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything’