Please watch this video about Phonics at Harnham Infant School. It gives in formation about our chosen phonics scheme, 'Song of Sounds' and includes key terminology. We hope you find it useful.

Reading Scheme
The Collins Big Cat books are our chosen primary reading scheme at Harnham Infant School. The books are matched closely to the Song of Sounds progression of skills, meaning that children will take home books that are closely matched to their phonics knowledge and support them to develop fluency in reading.
Reading Progression
​Reading Spine
We have carefully selected 36 high quality texts that our children will explore in depth throughout their time with us. Each text will be focussed on for a week at a time and through this text we will teach children key reading skills such as; prediction, inference, vocabulary, retrieval, explanation and sequencing.

Our writing vision at Harnham Infant School is to develop our children into enthusiastic, confident and creative writers.
Phonics is a key building block for our children and a vital part of their progressive journey as writers.
All of our writing teaching and learning is linked to our termly topics, children engage in real life writing, learning hooks enthuse our children and quality texts give them the opportunity to build on their vocabulary and genre knowledge all whilst developing their own style! We loosely follow a Talk 4 Writing sequence of teaching, children orally rehearse their ideas before putting pencil to paper.
Our writing curriculum is in line with the National Curriculum expectations and is designed so that children write for different purposes. In EYFS many of the quality texts used are repetitive in terms of their language and sentence structure.