We have a number of children attending our school who have a parent serving in the armed forces. Schools can claim some extra funding for these pupils, called the Service Pupil Premium Grant. This money is specifically intended to pastorally support children who may have a parent working away, being deployed or where the whole family might be facing a time of mobility or change.
At Harnham Infant School, we hold termly 'Coffee and Chat' meetings for Military families where we build community with the parents and are able to share ideas of how we might best spend the service pupil premium. Do check the latest newsletter for the dates of these coffee and chat sessions.
For the children, we have created our very own 'Little Heroes' club. This is a lunchtime club for our service children where we might read stories, draw pictures or play games in a safe environment where children can share their personal experiences if they would like to. Children are not obliged to come - though they do get very excited to be attending! Parents are always kept informed of what we do at the club so that anything can be followed up at home if needed.
We have two military bears, named Jim and Jango by the children. They love going home with the children and have recently been deployed on service too!